Interdisciplinary Researches

 | Post date: 2024/04/15 | 
Kharazmi university has a promotion system specifically designed to encourage interdisciplinary research. This system is based on scientific collaborations among researchers from different fields and the introduction of innovative methodologies that facilitate effective measurement and resolution of complex challenges. Any research that leverages the complementary nature of various scientific disciplines undergoes thorough evaluation and can lead to further advancement and professional opportunities for researchers.
Our university's promotion system utilizes various criteria to evaluate research activities, including publication in reputable international journals, scientific merit and innovation of research, direct and indirect impacts on society and industry, interdisciplinary collaborations, and participation in joint research projects and programs.
In this system, interdisciplinary research is emphasized as an important factor. Collaboration with researchers from different fields and the integration of methodologies and scientific approaches are encouraged. Furthermore, research that leads to innovative solutions for complex issues and contemporary challenges, with greater impacts on society and industry, holds higher value in the promotion system.
Moreover, the system supports researchers' leadership and commitment to advancing knowledge in areas that transcend disciplinary boundaries and encourages them to work in new fields where they may not have expertise.
Also, our university pursues various activities for the development of interdisciplinary research, which include visits, meetings and cooperation agreements with various industries and organizations, as well as the development of interdisciplinary research and educational centers.

Frequent meetings held with public and private companies and organizations that are active in the field of interdisciplinary research, including:
                                  Research and Development Office of the Ministry of Energy

Visits under interdisciplinary working groups from different industries:

Cooperation agreements
By signing cooperation agreements, the university provides activities for professors and students in various industries. Industries and organizations contribute to this by sponsoring research and providing internships.
So far, many cooperation agreements have been signed, some of which are:
1- Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
2- Higher Education Institute of Cognitive Sciences
3- Baqiyatullah University of Medical Sciences
4- Elite Foundation of Alborz Province
5-Ministry of Interior (Increasing productivity in the field of urban and rural management) 
6-Science and Technology Innovation Center of Science and Technology University
7-Strategic headquarters for the development of cognitive sciences and technologies
8-Mapna Electrical and Control Engineering and Construction Company (MECO)
9-National Oil Company - Exploration Management
10- Tehran sewerage company


Research centers
Research centers that have interdisciplinary activities 

►►a. Oil Research Center (Geology, Chemistry, Engineering, Management and computer science)
1.The Petroleum Research Center of Kharazmi University was established in 1395 to carry out projects in the field of hydrocarbon resources. This center engages several faculties and departments like Geology, Chemistry, Engineering, Management and computer science to conduct multidisciplinary projects in the field of Petroleum exploration and production.
2.At the end of 1396, following an agreement with the National Iranian Oil Company, the major project "Development of Carbonate Rock Technologies in Abadan Plain" was assigned to this center with a budget of 25 billion tomans and 2.5 million euros.
3.At the end of 1399, the first project of the major plan titled "Determination and Distribution of Permeability Porosity, Understanding Rock Type, Pore Type, and Identifying Fractures in Carbonate Rocks Using X-Ray Core Log and Cuttings Information" was announced to the university with a budget of 30 billion rials and 199 thousand euros.
4.An amount of 62,500,000,000 rials was deposited into the university's account as an advance payment, and approximately 5 billion rials related to issued invoices are being followed up.
5.The project has progressed by 68 percent.
6.Proposals for two other projects from the major plan have been approved and will commence upon the completion of the first project:
• Development of the working process of scaling up reservoir parameters..., with a budget of 22 billion rials and 885 thousand euros (rounded figures) for 18 months.
•  Facies classification and seismic sequence stratigraphy..., with a budget of 36 billion rials and 317 thousand euros (rounded figures) for 12 months.
7. In collaboration with the knowledge-based company Tavana Energy Kish, and as part of the university's commitments in the plan, the Center for the Development of Modern Exploration Technologies was established at the Karaj campus. Tavana Energy Kish, as a knowledge-based partner of the university in the project, was introduced to the National Iranian Oil Company for project control, coordination of commercialization-related matters, and other executive affairs.

►► b. Plasma Research Institute (Physics, Plasma, medicine, pharmacy)
The main goal of the research center is to expand plasma science by training specialists, to conduct basic research to expand the frontiers of science and applied research in industry and science.
This research institute now has two advanced laboratories in various fields of plasma application in medicine, plasma application in industry and agriculture, clean room for cell culture, advanced site for numerical calculations and simulation, conference hall, equipped conference hall and also an independent educational space.

Recent activities of the plasma laboratory:
A- Educational and research activities:

1- Compilation of the educational program for the field of medical plasma and approval of the program in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
2- Launching the field of medical plasma at the doctoral level for the first time in the country by obtaining a license from the relevant ministry
3- Providing educational and research facilities for graduate students of the plasma field of the Faculty of Physics
4- Holding weekly medical plasma seminars by inviting experienced internal and external professors of the university
5- Publication of more than thirty interdisciplinary articles with the address of the Plasma Research Institute in the world's most prestigious physics journals

B- Equipments:
1- Equipping advanced practical plasma laboratory Explanation: Purchase of advanced detection systems and construction of new plasma systems that can be used in the industry
2- Setting up and equipping a medical plasma laboratory Explanation: Creating a clean room with high standards, providing cell culture facilities, building atmospheric pressure cold plasma systems.
3- Setting up a laboratory for the use of plasma in the environment
4- Setting up a medical plasma laboratory - tissue culture

C- projects:
1- Obtaining the project "Research investigation of feasibility, simulation of scale removal and reticulation of oil and gas well walls and lightening of oil column by direct energy method using high power millimeter waves"-
2- Carrying out the project "Investigating the synergistic effect and simultaneous application of atmospheric pressure jet plasma and the combination of paclitaxel and carboplatin drugs on ovarian cancer and normal cells"

D- Plans in progress:
1- Instantaneous measurement of reactive oxygen species in normal and cancerous cell culture media treated with atmospheric plasma jet using photonic oxygen sensor based on time resolution spectroscopy-

2- The combined effect of atmospheric pressure cold plasma and photodynamic therapy on cancerous and non-cancerous stem cells based on artificial intelligence

3- Investigating the survival, proliferation and migration of hair follicle bulge cells in the treatment with atmospheric pressure cold plasma

►►c. Convergent Sciences Research Center (Nano, cognitive sciences, biology, psychology)

► Future actions regarding interdisciplinary research
Future plans of the university to develop interdisciplinary activities include the following:   
          1- The establishment of two interdisciplinary faculties in the Tehran branch
          2- Special privileges in the Grant regulations for interdisciplinary research
          3- Considering privileges and special conditions for active members in the field of interdisciplinary research
          4- Programs of interdisciplinary research centers

►►a. Future plans of Oil Research Center 
• Networking within the university and with domestic companies and research institutions such as Tabriz University, Petro Asmari Company, Tavana Energy Kish, and the Petroleum Industry Research Institute (RIPI), as well as internationally with Northeast China Petroleum University and Montan University of Austria, has been carried out to optimize the implementation of the plan and is in the process of completion.
•  Collaboration with the University of Technology of Iraq and some new research proposals with the National Gas Company regarding gas storage and some other proposals are currently under negotiation.

►► b. Future plans of Plasma Research Institute
• Identifying the capacities of the country to be used in the research fields considered by the research center
• Setting up and developing medical plasma and laser-plasma research laboratories
• Holding specialized plasma medical workshops
• Planning for holding international lectures
• Holding weekly lectures in the field of research related to plasma physics and medical plasma by inviting well-known foreign professors.
• Collecting and preparing new research topics in the field of medical plasma to propose a research plan to the decision-making centers and try to approve them
• Following the implementation of the approved plans of Plasma Research Institute
• Making the necessary preparations to enter into a cooperation agreement with reputable international research institutes in the field of plasma physics and medical plasma
• Publication of scientific works in prestigious international journals
• Traveling to France to conclude a cooperation agreement with the French CNRS Institute as one of the largest and most equipped medical plasma research centers in the world.
• Development of medical plasma research laboratories, plasma laser
• Efforts to establish a knowledge-based company and industrialize the research activities carried out in the research center
• Signing a cooperation agreement with institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Health
• Planning to hold an international conference in the field of medical plasma
• Publication of scientific works in prestigious international journals

►►c. Convergent Sciences Research Center

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